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Week 4


  • Tested the ABDM APIs and generated auth token.
  • Used ngrok to generate bridge URL.
  • Understand the overall implementation of encryption and decryption algorithm used by ABDM
  • Tested the current encyption and decyption algorithm used by abdm.
  • Tested the encrypt and decrypt api in postman.
  • Project Presentation and demo

Screenshots / Videos

  • Tested the encrypt and decypt api of algorithm in postman .
  • Output of encrypt api.


  • Output of deccypt api.



  • Tested the encrypt and decrypt api of algorithm in postman .
  • View Presentation Here


  • Deeply understood the encryption and decryption of ABDM along with key geneartion.
  • Gained the knwoledge about ECDH AND AES and its overall working.
  • Started learning about Junit as it will be needed in project in future.
  • My reviewer suggested that focused on to document the API correctly and do not do mistake in it.Keep it simple and easy to understand so that other can implement easily.
  • He also suggested to add a few slides in my presentation like current data workflow and proposed workflow so it will be easy to understand .