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Week 7


  • Finished testing of all the required APIs in Postman.
  • Explored the Mock HIP Bahmni.
  • Created and linked the carecontext record of patients with HIP and got the resposne in App.
  • Verified end-to-end works with ABHA app, GatewayFacingController and HipFacingController.
  • Explored the RSA Encryption and Decryption algorithm in detail.
  • Worked on the Api controller and service layer in springboot.

Screenshots / Videos

  • Linked patients record using Bahmni EMR .
  • Care context response in app.

 New record



  • Explored the overall Bahmni Environment as a mock HIP/HIU.
  • Underestood the overall RSA algorithm and its usage in new api workflow.
  • Learn about swagger tools for the API documentation.
  • Started learning about docker as it will be used in the future development.