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-- Title: Week 5

Author: Manika Jain


  • Implement the ABDM APIs specific to "Discovery and Linking Workflows" and handle the output data based on the application's needs.
  • Continue the implementation of the service layer for the HRP (Health Repository Provider). This layer plays a pivotal role in making calls to the Wrapper and ABDM to retrieve and invoke patient data and information.
  • Testing out "Discovery and Linking" APIs using Mock HIP on the ERM portal.
  • Complete the ABDM APIs for linking (User Authentication) in Postman and fetch data on the local machine (designed the Gateway Controllers, Unit test cases using JUnit and Mockito, etc).
  • End to End testing of Discovery APIs (care-context/on-discover and care-context/discover) on Postman.
  • Understand and create the bridge URL tunnel using Ngrok and other port-rendering alternatives.

Screenshots / Videos

Calling endpoints for Linking APIs

Calling endpoints for Linking APIs

Flowchart for Discovery and Linking calling Endpoints




  • Learned and implemented unit testing frameworks like JUnit and Mockito which helped me ensure the correctness of my code and its individual components.
  • Started working on my midpoint Presentation Feedback to accommodate the changes that have been established in the project so far in a more descriptive manner.
  • Started working on the documentation for my work to facilitate in the easier handover of the project.
  • Learnt and implemented Gateway Controller for calling endpoints of Discovery and Linking in my local machine and addressing any blockers while accessing the patient records.