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Week 4


  • Revised Week 3 PR with feedback from weekly meetings.
  • Worked on developing a configurable search component.
  • Prepared a presentation and workflow illustration for the midpoint showcase.



Learnings from my Reviewer/Mentor, Faiz Mohammed:

  • Code Reusability: I learned essential concepts related to code reusability from Faiz. Understanding how to write reusable code can significantly improve the efficiency and maintainability of the project.

  • Modularity: Faiz stressed the significance of ensuring that each micro-frontend component is highly configurable and modular. This approach allows the components to be adaptable and versatile, making them effective for various domains under the Beck protocol.

  • Catering to Diverse Domains: I learned how to design components that cater effectively to a wide range of domains within the Beck protocol. This adaptability ensures that the project can handle diverse scenarios and use cases.

  • Enhanced Preparedness: Faiz's guidance has made me feel more prepared to tackle the project. I have gained confidence in my abilities and approach to developing the micro-frontend components.