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Week 3


  • Plan the architecture for implementing the Policy-Admin API
  • Get familiar with the API end points and fetch the data
  • Display the Fetched data through Visualising charts
  • Generate reports based on the fetched data

Screenshots / Videos

![Get List of all policies](docs\2023\BeckN\QR Code Generation and Interpretation\Screenshots\Screenshot(345).png) ![Get Details of a policy](docs\2023\BeckN\QR Code Generation and Interpretation\Screenshots\Screenshot(346).png) ![Create a policy](docs\2023\BeckN\QR Code Generation and Interpretation\Screenshots\Screenshot(347).png) ![Change status of a policy](docs\2023\BeckN\QR Code Generation and Interpretation\Screenshots\Screenshot(348).png)



  • Learned why is a Policy Admin API required in a Beckn Ecosystem, gone through no of examples and studied the neccessity of this API deeply.
  • Learned to use chart.js JS Package to visualize data, in an ReactJS Interface.