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Week 6


  • Developed QR code generation API Created an API endpoint that generates QR codes based on specified data inputs.
  • Developed QR Code scanner API Implemented an API endpoint for scanning QR codes and extracting relevant data.
  • Drafted UI for QR Generation Worked on designing the user interface for generating QR codes, focusing on user-friendliness and functionality.

Screenshots / Videos



Milestones covered so far:

  1. Developed QR code generation API: This milestone provided hands-on experience in building an API that translates data into QR codes, contributing to a deeper understanding of backend development.
  2. Developed QR Code scanner API: Building the API for QR code scanning enhanced my knowledge of integrating external components and extracting data from QR codes.
  3. Drafted UI for QR Generation: Designing the UI underscored the importance of user-centric interfaces, and learnt how to implement the package QR-Code via npm and nodeJS.
  4. Documentation: