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Week 9


  • Made an algo that generater summaries that encompasses majorly reports of HSC and SSC data of the user.
  • Impemeted the document selector option that gives more flexibilty to user now they can select which documnets they wants to include.
  • Now user can upload their profile image as well that will be printed with pdf file (DLP).
  • Add a feature that enables user to change the Identity details on run time that automatically gets saved.
  • Improved the backend and made it more modular
  • UI improved and tested each component and backend.
  • Fixed the bug and added feature to dowload pdf files of that can contain multiple documnet tables
  • Improved user experience and decreased load time.

Screenshots / Videos


Multile commits are there hence, submitting the last commit


  1. Making pdf out of HTML documnet PdfMake
  2. Making code more cleaner and modularised.
  3. Communication between different components using services.