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Week 4


  • Developed the real-time document rendering page, built the page layout, and added functional components.
  • Worked on my mid-term presentation and demoed my work to my supermentor to recieve feedback.
  • Incorporated the received feedback and made changes to the real-time rendering page.

Mid-term presentation:



  • Implementing the Real-time rendering page: In this milestone, I learned to implement a real-time document rendering page for better user experience and productivity.
  • Mid-point demo: During the mid-point demo, I learned the importance of thorough planning and preparation, effective communication and presentation skills, and the significance of incorporating user feedback. The demo helped identify project successes and challenges, enabling us to adapt and prioritize tasks efficiently. Showcasing the project's value and fostering team collaboration were essential in gaining stakeholder support. Moving forward, the lessons learned from the demo will guide us towards a successful and impactful project completion.