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Week 3


  • Design the competency data model that represents different competencies and their details.
  • Create API endpoints to handle CRUD operations for competencies in the database.
  • Design and develop the user interface for the competency passbook.
  • Implement logic to dynamically update the passbook as users complete new learnings and acquire additional competencies.

Screenshots / Videos



  • User Experience Design: Enhance user experience by developing an intuitive and visually appealing user interface for the competency passbook, making it user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Next.js and MongoDB Integration: Learn to integrate Next.js, a popular React framework, with MongoDB, a NoSQL database, to build a scalable and efficient competency passbook application.
  • Algorithm-based Competency Aggregation: Explore the challenges and intricacies of developing algorithms to aggregate competencies dynamically based on users' roles and learning achievements.