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Week 7


  • Updation of All question types UI - Milestone 1
  • Updation of Attachments section Logical implementation - Milestone 2
  • Documentation of code - Milestone 3
  • New question types - Milestone 4

Screenshots / Videos

New UI New UI Attachments


  • Succesfully updated the UI for All question types.
  • Successfully completed Logical implementation of attchment functionality.
  • Documentation on progress.
  • Working on new question types.


  • Problem Understanding - Better understanding of different components.
  • Professional Work Environment
  • Skills Development - Learned new tech stack and libraries
  • Logical implementation.
  • Implementation of Concepts - Better implementation of theoratical knowledge into practical solutions.

Personalized Learning

  • Learned about File Handling and Storage, Data Binding and Two-Way Binding, Asynchronous Operations, Error Handling and Validation, UI Component Reusability