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Week 6


  • Continued refining API understanding with integrated teams
  • Discussed potential challenges and edge cases in integration
  • Began the process of integrating the mocked endpoints with the Batch Service
  • Analyzed the impact of integrating the mock endpoints on existing functionality

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During the sixth week of the project, significant progress was made in refining the understanding of APIs by engaging closely with the integrated teams. Through collaborative efforts, the project team gained a deeper insight into the intricacies of the APIs, fostering a clearer comprehension of the integration landscape. Thoughtful discussions were held to deliberate on potential challenges and edge cases that might arise during the integration process. This proactive approach not only facilitated anticipation of hurdles but also allowed the team to devise strategic solutions in advance.

An essential step was taken in the direction of realizing seamless integration: the initiation of the integration of mocked endpoints with the Batch Service. This marked the transition from theoretical preparations to practical implementation. As the integration process commenced, careful consideration was given to the potential impacts on the existing functionality. By conducting thorough analysis, the team ensured that the integration process would not disrupt or compromise the performance of the Batch Service.