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Week 5


  • Role-Specific Component Exploration: Conducted an in-depth exploration of the platform from the perspective of an IC Member role. This analysis included identifying components that are exclusive to IC Members and components that are restricted solely for employees. This understanding is crucial for ensuring a seamless and role-specific multilingual experience.
  • Multilingual POSH Compliance Workflow Page: Successfully implemented multilingual support for the POSH Compliance workflow page. All dropdowns, including dynamically populated options(but known in nature from UI), have been accurately translated, ensuring that IC Members can navigate through the compliance process effortlessly in their preferred language.
  • Multilingual Notifications in Header Bar: Extended multilingual support to the notifications in the header bar. Users can now receive notifications in their chosen language, enhancing their understanding and interaction with the platform.

With all the above implementations, the portal is now partially multilingual for IC members. They can access the POSH Compliance Workflow and Notifications in any of the 12 languages they desire

Screenshots / Videos

  • Notifications in Hindi

    Notifications Hindi Page

  • POSH Compliance Workflow Page in Hindi

Navbar Tamil Page



  • Cross-Role Integration: Exploring both IC Member and employee components allowed for a better understanding of how different roles interact within the platform. This knowledge is valuable in ensuring that cross-role interactions are well-coordinated and effectively communicated.

  • Language Consistency: Ensuring consistent language usage across all roles for similar components becomes particularly crucial in role-specific sections. Translations must align with the specific role's context and terminology for clear communication.