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Week 6


  • Thorough Testing of Translations: I initiated a comprehensive testing phase encompassing all translations completed up until week 3. During this meticulous review, I identified a previously missed component - the detailed notifications page - and promptly converted it to ensure consistent multilingual coverage.
  • Multilingual Generate Report Page: Successfully introduced multilingual support for the Generate Report page. Both types of reports, Case Report, and Settlement Agreement, now offer translations for dropdowns, placeholders, and content, enhancing accessibility and comprehension.
  • Multilingual Annual Report Generation: Extended multilingual capabilities to the Annual Report Generation page. Users can now generate annual reports in their preferred language, further promoting inclusivity and engagement.

Screenshots / Videos

  • Annual Report Generation in Hindi

    Annual Report Hindi Page

  • Annual Report Generation in Urdu

Annual Report Urdu Page

  • Report Generate in Bengali (Case Report)

Case Report Bengali Page

  • Report Generate in Punjabi (Settlement Agreement)

Settlement agreement Report Punjabi Page

  • Detail Notifications Page in Hindi

Settlement agreement Report Punjabi Page



  • Quality Assurance through Thorough Testing: The process of comprehensive testing highlighted the critical role it plays in ensuring the accuracy and consistency of translations. It's an indispensable step to maintain a high standard of user experience, particularly when implementing multilingual features.

  • Holistic Multilingual Implementation: The successful integration of multilingual support in various sections, such as the Generate Report page and Annual Report Generation, underscores the importance of providing a consistent and inclusive user experience throughout the platform.